Monday, April 18, 2016

Ironman 70.3 Texas Finish

I am a finisher! There are so many things I learned about myself on this journey. And I still have so far to go. There were challenges along the way and there will surely be more to come. But I did it. I crossed that line. I earned that medal.
Going down the finisher chute is indescribable. I was hurting, as you can see, but I wanted to look strong. The tears were unstoppable. Every race I have ever done  I have always finished strong. No matter what. This one I just finished. I didn't sprint in. I just took it all in. It is a moment I wish I could live over and over again.

The crowd support along the course was amazing! And it was so fun to know so many people out there racing! I had teammates out there from Zoot, Strike Force Racing, and TriTats. I had IG friends out on the course and as spectators. I even ran across a friend from high school out there. It was a blast having all the support and cheers from so many people! It was the most fun I have ever had on a race!

There is so much room for growth in all three of these disciplines. So many things I could do differently or improve upon. I wasn't 100% for the race. There are all kinds of what ifs. But none of that matters. It was my day. It was my race. And I won it!!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic job, you had every acceptable reason to not compete but you did it. Your boys are learning how to be successful in life by watching you lead by example. Great job
