Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post Bike Stretch

Are you sore between the blades post bike ride or even post swim? Or do you just feel tension in your upper back? Here are a few stretches that can help you open up your back and relieve some of that tightness.

Lay on your back on a foam roller. Put your arms out in a T. Open up your chest and just relax and stretch for about a minute. 

Then continue with a T, a Y, and an I. Open to a T and bring arms up and together for 10 reps. 

Then bring arms out to a Y and together for 10 reps. 

And finally bring arms into an I position and together for 10 reps. 
Do 3 sets. I found this really helps relieve the stress in my upper back post workout. Simple and easy to do yet effective! Let me know if this helps!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Wave Swim Buoy

The New Wave Swim Buoy is a safety float and also has a drybag for storing your keys, phone, etc. if you don't want to leave them on the shore. It comes in two sizes - 15 liter and 20 liter. It comes in orange, pink, yellow, and neon green. The swim buoy is highly visible making it a must have for swimmers, triathletes, kayakers, and snorklers. 
It is easily inflatable. You simply twist open the top, blow it up, and twist the top to close. I am asthmatic and cannot blow up a balloon, but this was a piece of cake. You buckle the device around your waist. The instructions are very simple and easy to follow. 
Keep in mind this is a security device not a safety device.
I have the 15 liter in pink and in yellow.
You can purchase a device at or on
I would say the biggest selling point to me is the visibility factor. Many members of Strike Force Racing team use the New Wave Swim Buoy. When we are out in an open water swim we can easily spot each other. This is helpful for keeping an eye out for each other and also for sighting purposes. It's much easier to stay on course following the bright buoy in front of you. But more importantly we are visible to the boaters in the area. From the shore I personally witnessed a boat go around my teammates. I hate to think what could have happened if they didn't have the buoys and were unable to be seen. And it was great that even from the shore we could still spot our teammates at a good distance.
USAT and Ironman Certified Coach Gena Alvarez of Strike Force Racing always trains along side her athletes. She loves her New Wave Swim Buoy!
I was concerned there would be drag in the water or pulling at the waist using this device. I didn't feel a thing. In fact I would completely forget it was there. It was great too because my coach stops at the buoys occasionally to give instructions or feedback and you have the buoy to rest on if you need.
Another big plus for the swim buoy is the confidence it gives you out in the open water. My teammate Sam is trying to face her fear of open water. Many of us start off timid or downright fearful out in the open water. Some overcome this fear and some continue to struggle to face it. I gave her a buoy to try out and it gave her the confidence she needed to get out there. She was sold and is getting one of her own! 
And yet another bonus is the security it offers your kiddos as well. Emerson is not yet 5 years old. He could swim with it attached no problem. And he could use it to rest or kick back when he needed. 
This little guy just might be my ticket to Kona someday!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Fit Wanderluster

Do you learn about a place and think right away that you want to run there? Do you take runcations? I love traveling to new places and exploring them thru running. 
If I had to pick my favorite place I've ever run I'd have to say it was in Henley-on-Thames, England. It's a posh little town along the Thames River where rowing is the popular sport. When I run there I feel like I am running in a fairy tale!
So as I run thru my neighborhood today I imagine myself there!!
Where is your favorite place you have run? 

Check out @thefitwanderluster as she runs in amazing places! And for her apparel line check out

Running Bleachers

Running bleachers breaks up monotony and gives you some variety in your workout. It also gets your heart rate up so it is a good cardio workout! Pushing off the bleachers engages your quads and glutes and provides a great strength workout for your legs. So next time you hit the track throw in a bleacher workout! Even 5 minutes can make a difference!!

What workout is on your agenda for today? Have a great Monday ya'll!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Running Gait Analysis

It's not good when you sit down to discuss your running gait analysis with 4 people and as soon as they start the video you hear gasps, and oh no's, and aww man. 
It turns out my form is causing all kinds of  problems. I have bilateral issues, but more significantly on the left inside. I have a right hip drop that forces out my left hip. I have issues with ankle flexion. I over pronate a bit. My arches are falling. There is left Glute muscle weakness. On a positive note I at least have good knee flexion. So that's something! 
These deficiencies explain my IT Band injury, Plantar's Fasciitis flares, and multiple stress fractures. 
It seems my issues are more structural than mechanical. And there are things I cannot change that exacerbate the issues such as my scoliosis and spondyliothesis. I was referred to a specialist for custom orthotics and told we really need to focus on strengthening these areas to prevent injury. I brought several pairs of my Zoot shoes with me and it seems like my issues were consistent with each shoe. So the shoes were great, the only suggestion was to pick one model and stick with it rather than vary from model to model between training runs. 
They did express concerns about increasing my volume for a 140.6. So obviously I'll do whatever it takes to get there!

You can see some of my issues in this still.

Have you ever had a running gait analysis done? What did you learn?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Kor Project

You have likely started seeing the "upside down" shirt around. I love this idea of a running shirt that is printed upside down to motivate the person wearing it. So when you are struggling, feeling like you can't finish your run, you look down and find your motivation.

So I was excited when Chester Canlas, the man behind the mission at The Kor Project, dropped me a line on Instagram. I was happy he did because I had a few questions for him about his new project, and he agreed to do an interview with me. I know you will find his project as fascinating as I do.

Be on the look out for a giveaway soon from The Kor Project and Iron Will Iron Jill.

To learn more about The Kor Project:
Instagram: @thekorproject
Twitter: @thekorproject

Monday, August 15, 2016

Orange Mud Transition and Seat Wrap Giveaway

It's Monday which means it's time for a giveaway! Each week in August I will be doing a giveaway. I will announce the giveaway on Mondays and announce the winner at 4 pm on Wednesdays. So be sure to come check each week for the next giveaway!

I am very excited to give away a Transition and Seat Wrap from! This is a changing towel and seat cover in one! Seriously the best invention! You won't believe how awesome this thing is!!

To enter this  giveaway go to Instagram and:
1. Like this post and follow @ironwillironjill and @theorangemud
2. Tag a minimum of three people, one per comment. You may tag more than three if you would like. Each person tagged = 1 entry
3️. Repost this contest, and tag me so I know that you did, and you earn an additional 5 entries.
4️. The winner will be selected and announced at 4 pm on Wednesday, August 17, 2016
5️. Best of luck!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Disney World Run Streak

Seven days at Disney World makes it hard to get workouts done. It's especially hard because you are on the go from early in the morning until late at night. And we walked 10+ miles every day! But my oldest and I decided to do a run streak! We ran at least a mile a day on top of all the walking we did each day.

It was fun running thru the resort with so much to explore and enjoy!
Disney resorts really are the best! I definitely recommend staying on the property. You can't beat it!
I definitely felt like a winner this trip! My boys thought I was the best mom ever! 
A couple of our runs were pretty late! It was tough but we got it done. We were tired. But at least we had cooler temps.
Hot and humid were the words of the day! EVERY day!!
We did it! A 7 day Disney Run Streak! I am so  proud of how determined my 10 year old was to achieve our goal! We will never forget these memories!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Zoggs Goggles Giveaway

My second Giveaway in August is Zoggs Goggles! They are the only goggles I wear! I love them and I am excited to give a pair to a lucky winner!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Momentum Jewelry Giveaway

I had so much fun with my last giveaway, each week in August I will be doing another one. I will announce the giveaway on Mondays and announce the winner at 4 pm on Wednesdays. So be sure to come check each week for the next giveaway!

I am so excited for the first giveaway with @momentumjewelry! We are giving away a Motivate Wrap with one of my favorite mantras - "Never Give Up" AND a Footnote Pair with "Dig Deep"!! These will no doubt motivate and inspire you when you are out doing what you love!

To enter this  giveaway:
1️⃣Like this post and follow @ironwillironjill and @momentumjewelry
2️⃣ Tag a minimum of three people, one per comment. You may tag more than three if you would like. Each person tagged = 1 entry
3️⃣ Repost this contest, and tag me so I know that you did, and you earn an additional 5 entries.
4️⃣The winner will be selected and announced at 4 pm on Wednesday, August 3, 2016
5️⃣ Best of luck!!