This medal was not just earned by me. Credit also goes to my family. Because without their time, their support, and their encouragement it would not be possible.
I definitely could not have done it without my husband, my supporter, my Sherpa! Despite not understanding my desire to endure all that I do to get to a finish line he never tells me to quit. Even when there are times I am sure he thinks it would be the smart thing to do. He thinks I am a little bit crazy and he's probably a little bit right. But he supports my crazy. And for pre race activities and race day he was the best Sherpa around! Sherpa duties are no joke! There are social obligations, carrying equipment, dealing with my roller coaster emotions, getting me from spot to spot, forking out the big bucks, so much time and sacrifice, and let's not forget spectating because that is a sport in itself! And he was there 110%! And I love him even more for it!
My boys are my biggest cheerleaders!! When I got hurt days before the race they were devastated. They didn't know until they woke up in the morning. And when they saw me all four of them were in tears. Not just because their mommy was hurt but because they knew my race was days away. They were heartbroken for me. And it meant the world to me that they understood how hard I had worked for this and how badly I wanted it. So when it came to race day and I could see how proud they were of me for getting out there it was all worth it!
My mom and dad have always supported me thru everything no questions asked. They are always there at my finish lines with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts! I couldn't ask for more! And yet that's what they give....more!! They both help me so much with my training. My mom helps juggle weekend activities so I can get some of my long training done. She is always there to make things easier for all of us no matter how much it inconveniences her. She does it without hesitation and without question. And my dad has been a superstar! He takes Emerson 1-2 days a week for me for either long runs/rides or doctors appointments. And there is honestly no way I would get my training done without him! He is a lifesaver. And Emerson looks so forward to getting to babysit his Pappy! They love their time together!!
And then there is my coach, Gena Alvarez!! Without her guidance and training I would not have been able to accomplish what I did. Not only was I well prepared for this race, but my training was strong enough that I could even race injured. And she was with me every step of the way! She and her husband Greg even went above and beyond spending time with me in the ER while I was hysterical. And I only say hysterical because there is no other word to truly describe how I was that night when I thought my dreams were dashed. But she never let me give up even when I thought it was hopeless! And I love her for that!!
So I owe my medal to these 8 people!!