Sunday, May 10, 2015

TriGirl Super Sprint Race Report

A week after my first triathlon and I was ready to do another one! It was Mother's Day and I woke up early to do the TriGirl Super Sprint. The swim was 200 meters, the bike was 8 miles, and the run was 2 miles. The swim was short but tough! The water was really choppy! I was kicked in the nose, saw stars, and went under. A lifeguard came to my rescue, but I just said thank you and struggled along! Regaining my wits made for a longer than usual transition time. But I got out on that bike and again did my fastest ride yet! It was really windy on the bike course and there were a couple close calls. I made it to the run and flew! So many things I could have done better at the beginning of the race, but I finished strong! And I was 7th in my age group! It was a fun race!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

My First Triathlon Race Report - CB&I Sprint

Swim - 500 Meters
Bike - 15  Miles 

Run - 5k
Swim, Bike, Run! I got it DONE!!! I could not of dreamed of a more perfect race day! I was most worried about biking since I am still so anxious and cautious on the bike. But the swim turned out to be the biggest challenge. Out in the water, with all the people turns more into survival than swimming! But I made it out of the water slowly but surely. And ontoe the bike! It was a strong ride for me! It was my fastest ride yet! I was still slower than most, but every person who passed me I called out in my head I'll get you on the run! And I did! I was flying past people on the run! And when I crossed that finish line I burst into sobs!! I cannot believe after all I had gone thru I was able to accomplish so much! I finished in 1:37!! A very respectable time! Top 25% of my age group! Not bad for a newbie! It turns out I'm pretty good at this! I have lots of room to grow and improve, but I know I can accomplish great things!

How lucky am I to have so many people come out to cheer me on?

I am so grateful for all the support and all the sacrifices my husband, my kids, and my parents make for me to be able to accomplish so much! I could not have done it without them!